Teleflora's Brilliant Birthday Blooms
Birthday wishes can come true even before the cake is served when you send this brilliant arrangement! Bright flowers fill a frosted glass bowl that's adorned with a shiny birthday candle motif. It makes a beautiful party centerpiece and a thoughtful gift!
Birthday wishes can come true even before the cake is served when you send this brilliant arrangement! Bright flowers fill a frosted glass bowl that's adorned with a shiny birthday candle motif. It makes a beautiful party centerpiece and a thoughtful gift!
Birthday wishes can come true even before the cake is served when you send this brilliant arrangement! Bright flowers fill a frosted glass bowl that's adorned with a shiny birthday candle motif. It makes a beautiful party centerpiece and a thoughtful gift!
Orientation : All-Around
All prices in CAD ($)
10 1/2" H
11 1/4" W
Standard - $70.00
11 1/4" H
11 1/2" W
Deluxe - $84.99