Teleflora's Serene Sky Bouquet
Reminiscent of a romantic walk along the ocean, this beautiful bouquet pairs pale roses with a rich cobalt glass cube vase. Later, your lucky recipient can use it as a comely candleholder!
Reminiscent of a romantic walk along the ocean, this beautiful bouquet pairs pale roses with a rich cobalt glass cube vase. Later, your lucky recipient can use it as a comely candleholder!
Reminiscent of a romantic walk along the ocean, this beautiful bouquet pairs pale roses with a rich cobalt glass cube vase. Later, your lucky recipient can use it as a comely candleholder!
Orientation : All-Around
All prices in CAD ($)
12 1/2" H
12 1/2" W
Standard - $69.99
13" H
13" W
Deluxe - $89.99